Submit an article to Planet Nude

Welcome to Planet Nude, a newsletter and podcast dedicated to exploring and promoting nudity and nudism as a diverse and inclusive form of expression, focusing on the intersection between nudity and history, culture, politics, and art.

Our goals are to influence the discussion of nudism in online discourse and on social media, to portray nudism as subversive, youthful, and diverse, and to explore the history and significance of nudity through personal essays and research-based writing.

Our community is made up of forward-thinking individuals passionate about art and expression, eager to explore the depths of nudism's cultural roots.

We will use original written material and pay $50 for any contributed articles that are published. You retain all ownership of your own work.

Content guide

We explicitly seek to feature inclusive and diverse points of view. We seek to provide a more nuanced look at nudity in life. But we’re also interested in individual stories and points of view. Whatever you’ve written, we’d love to read it. With that said, below is our editorial focus. Hopefully, it can help as a guide so that you can get a sense of the types of writing that we consider to be a good fit on Planet Nude.

Editorial focus and motto

At Planet Nude, our mission is to explore the multifaceted world of nudism and naturism, with an unwavering commitment to our guiding principle: “Add Value.” This motto underpins every aspect of our exploration across history, culture, politics, and art. We strive to not only illuminate the diverse roles of nudity but also to enrich our readers’ understanding and appreciation of this culture. Through insightful narratives and analyses, our aim is to provide content that offers real, tangible insights—something our readers can take to the metaphorical bank.

Types of articles we seek:

  1. Historical insights: We value contributions that unearth the deep history of nudism, providing our readers with a rich understanding of its evolution and cultural impact. Add value by bringing to light significant movements, figures, and milestones in nudist history.

  2. Cultural analyses: Articles that critically examine how nudity intersects with and influences broader cultural dynamics are sought after. Add value by offering nuanced critiques of nudism’s portrayal in popular culture and its societal implications.

  3. Political commentary: We encourage submissions that offer a thoughtful examination of the political landscape affecting nudism. Add value by contextualizing current events and legislative changes within the broader struggle for body freedom and personal rights.

  4. Helpful guides: Some of our most popular posts offer valuable information for naturists looking to take their naturism to the next level. Add value by sharing important information on freehiking, home naturism, naked gardening, beach preservation, organizing meetups, or anything else that can help folks improve their pactice.

  5. Artistic explorations: Features on artists who use nudity as a form of expression are welcome. Add value by shedding light on how nudity challenges artistic norms and opens up new avenues for creativity.

  6. Personal narratives: Personal stories that provide insight into the nudist lifestyle are invaluable. Add value by sharing experiences that resonate on a personal level, offering readers perspectives that deepen their understanding of nudism. The more unique your point of view, the more interesting it is.

  7. Critical essays: Essays that engage with the ethical, societal, and philosophical dimensions of nudity. Add value by challenging readers to think critically about the role of nudity in society and its potential for empowering individuals.

  8. Media reviews: We're on the lookout for reviews of nudist movies, books, and other media. Add value by critically assessing how these works engage with and represent nudist ideals. Explore the portrayal of nudity, its cultural impact, and how it challenges or reinforces perceptions of nudism. Your insights should enrich our readers' appreciation and provoke thoughtful discussion on nudist media.

What we do not publish:

Content that fails to respect individual dignity or that promotes voyeurism, exploitation, or sexual objectification is not accepted. We stand firmly against hate speech, bigotry, and discrimination in any form.

Editorially, we tend to steer clear of travelogues, resort reviews, and “listicle” articles. Our focus is on substance and depth over generic “content”—Once again, “Add Value” is our mantra. We seek articles that truly inform and enrich our readers’ lives, providing knowledge and insights that are both impactful and actionable.

By adhering to these principles, Planet Nude aims to cultivate a rich, engaging dialogue about nudism and naturism. We’re dedicated to offering content that not only informs but also empowers our readers, contributing to a deeper appreciation of the nudist philosophy and way of life.

Media policy

We love to feature photos and images that have an edgy and artistic design aesthetic. They do not need to have nudity, but if they do, they should follow our nudity rules, which are:

  • The first image or thumbnail image should always be “safe for work” or more appropriately “safe for Facebook”. We do want our articles to be shared by readers, and readers are generally apprehensive to share an article when it could get their account suspended.

  • Nonsexual nudity is allowed in subsequent images. Images from history or pop culture are allowed, with sources included wherever applicable. Permission must be granted by photographers, artists, or models whenever possible.

  • Voyeuristic or explicitly pornographic nudity is never allowed.

All photos and media must also abide by the rules of the content platform, which in this case is Substack.

Substack’s media policy, which can be found here, allows for depictions of nudity for artistic, journalistic, or related purposes, as well as erotic literature. However, they have a strict no nudity policy for profile images.

Substack does not censor content like many other platforms do.

In addition to the above guidelines, we will not feature any photos or media that are inappropriate, explicit, or offensive in nature. All photos and media must be respectful and in line with our mission and values as a blog.

We reserve the right to reject any photos or media that do not align with these guidelines.

Submitting to Planet Nude

All submitted articles should align with the focus we’ve laid out above, and must be original, well-written, and if applicable, well-researched.

  1. Planet Nude pays $50 for each published article.

  2. Articles should be between 500 and 1,500 words in length—this is a suggestion, but not a requirement. We often publish longer works.

  3. Writers retain all rights to their work.

  4. By submitting an article, authors grant Planet Nude the right to edit and publish their work on the blog and newsletter.

  5. We do not expect exclusivity. However, we do expect and request writers to disclose if a submission has been previously published or is under review with another publication or website. While we do not request exclusivity, we prefer to have “premiere” status whenever possible.

  6. All articles should be properly cited and include a bibliography wherever applicable.

  7. Photos and media accompanying the articles must follow our photo and media guidelines.

  8. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis and selected articles will be scheduled for publication.

  9. We may offer notes or feedback on your writing and ask you to resubmit. We reserve the right to edit the work directly for publication, and will always seek collaboration and approval of writers for changes made.

  10. Authors will be notified if their article has been selected for publication, and paid at the time of publication.

  11. We reserve the right to turn selected articles into recorded audio episodes for Planet Nude Podcast.

Ready to submit? Email your work to

Submit writing

At Planet Nude, we have a vision of giving the nudism movement a shot in the arm, and we hope that through our content, we can inspire others to embrace their own vulnerability and freedom of expression. We’re excited to create a platform for other passionate writers and advocates to join us on this mission. 🪐