Experienced many www.CMEN.org gatherings in California over the years. (California Men Enjoying Naturism) Some went for up to two weeks included camping (with an on-site camp hotel option), community meals provided by camp staff, workshops, play activities, swimming, ropes courses, sweat lodge, talent shows, social hours on a big field and much more. Over 300 attendees over that period of time. Some came for a weekend or two and others (like myself) were there for the entire event.

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Very cool! Thank you for sharing this one!

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MoonGroove at PSHS in Pennsylvania. 'nuff sed. You should have been there.

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MoonGroove was amazing!

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Moon Groove was so good. Can’t wait to be back next year.

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Music and arts festivals would be great. I know Avalon had them at one time. White Thorn was going to have one this year, but it got canceled. So where are they?

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Among the fondest memories of "naturist gatherings" has been the music festivals at Avalon, in West Virginia. I remember some years being there in my tent, and one year had the luxury of being there in the company of several others in "the lodge",a two-story A-frame cabin that had been offered by a friend in the main office who reached out to me with a not-to-be-resisted offer. I remember the meals, cooked by volunteers out of the Avalon membership community; and when we weren't eating or drinking or listening to live music from the stage at the bottom of the hill, the freedom of wandering naked throughout the densely wooded Avalon mountainside. It's been more than a decade now since I was there the last time. But these were times that really imprinted me with what a clothes free event could and should be.

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My family is heading to _bodyfest_ at BareOaks.ca on Friday. Our first time there. We used to go to the Western and Eastern Gatherings of the Naturist Society Foundation, when they had them at Eastover and resorts around California. My family also attended the 10-day naturist family gathering of the German naturist federation (dfk.org) for many years at FKK Camping Rosenfelder Strand, and visited the French naturist resorts of Montalivet, Euronat, La Jenny and Arna. We also attended the family naturist kids camp at Sunsport Gardens as volunteers with our son for many years, when he was younger, and I organized/created/ran the last AANR West naturist kids camp in June 2021.

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Bare Oaks, simply amazing!

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I wonder what will happen to the naturist kids camp at Sunsport Gardens, and the midwinter, which they also hosted for years. Hopefully they continue. From what I've been reading Sunsport is in good hands. Do you or your kids have any memories of Morley.

Also, it seems as if you have quite the naturist life, traveling all over the world to all these different naturist events.

I've been looking into doing some events with DFK, but my German is elementary at best. How are they to non-Germans?

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Been doing this so long, too much to list here....and the list keeps going....

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I think Solair runs some of the best events on the eastern cost of the States.

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Perhaps not "new" for us as it was our 3rd year attending, but this is a timely poll following MoonGroove (as other commenters have mentioned). We've never attended a naturist gathering of its kind and truly believe it's one of the best events in the northeastern US (or perhaps even nationwide/worldwide). Would highly recommend it to anyone who might be interested; first-timer or veteran nudie! It's everything you would want in a naturist gathering plus VERY well-curated musical performances and artists/vendors abound. Hope to see some of you there again next year!

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I've been trying to make it to locally organized nude hikes but the weather has been so hot I decided to let the younger, in-shape, frequent hikers enjoy the misery.

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My favorit music and arts festivals were all the late 1995 and 1996 events held at Turtle Lake Resort in Union City, MI and all the Nude Folk Fests held at Avalon nudist resort in West Virginia.

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Nothing unique happening around me unfortunately. Wreck Beach has an annual Wreck Beach day... Or... Used to... But it seems to be non-existent this year.

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Sentient Festival (sentientfest.com) at Empire Haven (www.empirehaven.net) in NY.

Sentient is a 4-day body justice retreat in nature.

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