Weekly Wrap: January 21-27
Introducing the Weekly Wrap: a new regular roundup of each week's posts on Planet Nude
Welcome to the first edition of the Weekly Wrap, your new Saturday night synopsis of Planet Nude’s pulse. Missed a beat this week? We’ve got you covered. Each Wrap is a neat bundle of our stories, art, and dialogues, delivered as dusk falls every Saturday. It’s your quick catch-up, ensuring the bare essentials of our collective narrative are not out of sight. 🚀
Here are your stories from this week:
Watch this month’s News of the Nude “Top 5 Headlines”
Sign the petition: Tell WI Governor Tony Evers to VETO anti-nudity bills
We also launched a petition this week in an effort to rally support against the anti-nudity bills currently coursing through the Wisconsin state legislature. Please sign and help preserve Wisconsin naturism. Help save WNBR. Help us #KeepBodiesFree.
That’s it for this week. As with all new features, I welcome your feedback on this. Leave a comment, or email me.
Stay in the loop with us every Saturday night, and we'll make sure you never miss out on our latest. Until next Saturday, stay free and informed. See you next week! 🪐