Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

I like these podcasts, I download them and often listen to them while getting from A to B. Download? Yes, I'm maybe a bit old-school there, I've been listening to podcasts and what aural treats I found online since before the word 'podcast' turned up. Teach an old dog a new trick?! The point of this post is to say that I hope the option to download them from NakedAge is continued, I can deal with the extra steps required that his involves to hear more nudist news/history/opinions. I avoid Apple, I don't like their lies about privacy or walled garden approach etc, I don't use Spotify and its ilk because I know plenty of musicians and I don't like the way they fleece them and I won't defeat the point of GrapheneOS by installing them on my phone. I know that server costs may be an issue if self-hosted/included in PlanetNude/NakedAge hosting plans, but I hope these fascinating podcasts on nudism continue to be accessible for those who wish to 'download' them.

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Thanks for the comment. What is your current method of downloading them? And have you had any issues with this one? Currently the podcast is hosted through substack, not self-hosted. I don’t know if that provides the option to download. If not, I’d be happy to make personal arrangements to send you a downloadable mp3 upon request… 🤷‍♂️

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Author

Upon further investigation I see that substack does allow episode downloads… on this page, above: on a mobile device it’s under the “open in player” button, on a web browser for some reason the label on the button changes to “listen on” but both buttons are functionally the same. Click that button and there’s a “download mp3” option that drops down. Perhaps you already found that and this is redundant info, but just in case I figured I would share. Prior to this episode the podcast was hosted on Libsyn rather than substack, so it’s very possible you followed another method before. I’m sorry for the change up there, it’s in effort to simplify my services and costs.

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