Thanks, I enjoyed that write up and will definitely check out the movie.

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Thanks for the review! I didn't know about the movie and didn't know that Tubi could be a source for nudist movies. I'm going to let the WNRL membership know it is available when I write the summer issue of the WNRL Messenger. We are playing it now an it's a hoot! A Monster? In a nudist camp?

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Where can I find this movie?

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I actually saw this movie as a young teen with my parents at the drive in (early 70's), so it makes sense it would be on the grind houses circuit at that time. Back then it was common for people to take their kids to the drive in theater along with lawn chairs.Typically it was a double feature with a PG movie first and an R second, most with kids would cut out after first show. My parents being more progressive would often stay for the second feature if it didn't look too objectionable, my mom being more concerned about graphic violence than nudity. I remember her being more amused over how ridiculous the plot was than anything, at my age I was just thrilled to see some boobs, I think my old man was too but didn't want to let on about it! Anyway, if Something Weird hadn't picked this up I'm sure I would have never seen it again after all these years. Now I can far more appreciate the parody, campy humor and absurdity of it, yup, think mom had it right!

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Two things:

1. I found this film to be a fascinating capture of a period in time (all the smoking!).

2. What is your favorite nudist movie?

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My personal favorite is Unashamed: A Romance!

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I will have to watch that one.

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