What a great conversation with Andy Tabbit! I’m sitting here naked listening to your whole podcast. It will be my 81st birthday tomorrow. I’m now considering having this not only be my birthday week but also my naked birthday week. Please let Andy know that he’s one of my naked heroes.

Milt Latta

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Hi, Matt... Andy here.

Thanks so much for your enthusiastic comment. The reference to "naked heroes" is very flattering, and it proves that you really did listen till the very end of the interview. You made my day.

I hope you had a fine birthday (mine was just two days earlier) and that you're making good on the plan to celebrate naked all week!

Your profile shows that you spend time at Sequoians, so you're not too far from San Francisco,. I've been there just once, but would love to return. I've sent you a private message with my email address in case you'd like to arrange a meet-up, or just to say hi.

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I really did like this. I was glad to hear Gypsy Taub mentioned, I don't approve of her views on drugs, but I definitely approve of her views on nudity. The same applies to Andy. I am very liberal with my views on nudity, probably more liberal than most people who practice social nudity. I don't feel that there should be ANY laws against public nudity! Where I live, there isn't any public nudity of any kind. Andy is fortunate to have found some places where there are some venues and opportunities for nudity. Again, I really enjoyed this.

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I appreciate your feedback, Gerald, and I definitely agree that non-sexual nudity in public should never be illegal.

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