This is a fascinating and well presented article. So much to process; I've read it twice already and expect to read it several more times. In today's media hyped world, Francis Bacon's famous quote is more important than ever: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

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Thank you!

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Terrific and compelling article, excellent research! Thanks for bringing Planet Nude into the world precisely to help share this kind of informational perspective.

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Thank you for the kind words!

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This is a well-considered article that highlights serious issues in society and threats to naturism. I would be interested in how people think we should combat the unfounded hysteria. Reason and evidence-based arguments seem to have little effect. Do we fight fire with fire and use similar tactics to highlight the critical dangers that the clothing industry is having on the environment? Or is that stooping to their level in a race to the bottom with regard to reasoned debate?

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Unfortunately, since being on the attacking in of this by that influencer, you are right about the evidence base. I think sadly, now what could be done, is cross your fingers you live in an area with a naturist venue which does not fall victim to the "think of the children" moral panic, (who I kind of do in CT, where we have Solair, which has been around for about 100 years and serves some 2nd and 3rd gen naturists). Or, if you are a family, do what many families are starting to do, vacationing at the nude welcoming resorts in Europe, where they feel safe from the hysteria.

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The mob the undeserved influencer inflicted on our community is unforgivable.

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They found my personal info through a weeks of reading my reddit history, then started attacking me personally. calling me a child molester on his page. Had to get the police involved.

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Evan, once again, you’ve generated an incredible and valuable article that knocks it out of the park. I’d like to speak with you about a legal symposium with CLE credits for attorneys called “Non-Sexual Nudity: Threat or Benign”. It was held in at Florida International University in North Miami Beach in the late 1990s. Presented there was an impressive study on nudity and children conducted by a professor from the University of Northern Arizona who attended the symposium. It was done while I was on the Board of NAC/NEF. Since I was the event organizer, I’ll look for the professor’s name and contact information. It’s time the naturist community conduct another legal symposium as well as a unity political/PR summit to plan an offensive campaign strategy to prevent the demise of safe legal family Naturism in this country.

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Thank you Shirley! I’d love to read that

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Wow Evan. What a well done, informative and insightful piece. This is a prime example of the quality work you provide to our community and the world beyond. This also demonstrates the need for thoughtful information about naturism - thank you. I do hope your comment toward the end of the piece that the truth always prevails (I paraphrase) comes to fruition. In our current world there are too many examples of the opposite.

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Very good article, Evan.

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Thanks, Evan, for this carefully argued article. As you note, where there has been proper research the findings have always been that social nudism does not harm children and is probably beneficial. Thanks to the bigots, children are taught to despise their own bodies and the result now is an epidemic of bullying and self-harming. Surely that suggests morality vigilantes are, in fact, the vilest abusers?

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My parents had the (or one of the} first editions of Dr. Spock's book. I'm pretty sure that somewhere in there he discusses naturist kindergartens/pre-K programs where everyone is nude all day and he supported the practice. There was another one equally supportive of family nudity from a bit later, maybe late 60's/early 70's that did the same. All I remember is a dark red cover. No name or author, sorry.

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This is a fantastic piece, Evan, with a lot of great history and insight. I think we need to recognize that while naturists do tend to be free spirits and of course the "hippies, pagans and queers" you mention, we should probably emphasize the "all walks of life" even more. If we don’t name the doctors, lawyers, educators, business owners, conservatives, libertarians, and yes, Christians, who go naked or would like to go naked, we are letting them cower under the radar and we lose the clout their voices would give us. The fear mongers and church ladies have always marginalized us as weirdos, and the lazy public shrugs its shoulders at their trampling of our rights, but it would be harder for them if we got some support from the “respectable” folks who also like their basic rights but are too timid to fight for them. Bookmarking this, though, for another read. Especially like the term folk devils.

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