I suppose that legally the new owners can demand that clothing be worn at all times. I still am filled with sadness at the loss of another of the scarce communities where residents and visitors can be naked.

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Thanks very much for sharing the TED Talk about "Nudity Doesn’t Have to Be Naughty" - extremely well done!

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The Pula legislation is very disturbing. Croatia has always been a haven for naturists. I hope it has no repercussions for the rest of eastern Europe.

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I support Marie Bobo-Smith. Her posts on social media have deepened my understanding of the trans experience. I do not believe that exposure to non-sexual nudity is harmful to children, and that includes the nudity of a trans family member. The threatening tactics used to silence Marie are abhorrent and quite frightening.

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yes it is good

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Reflecting on the article about when clothing was invented, it's clear that ideas about modesty have varied across time and space. In his marathon autobiography Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) describes an easy going attitude to nudity in contexts such as people getting undressed to go to bed as it was common in coaching inns to have to share a room. He saw the daughters of Louis XV going to church in dresses that fully exposed their breasts. According to the historian Ian Mortimer in 'The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England' Queen Elizabeth I would receive official visitors bare breasted and it was not uncommon for other women to go around with their breasts exposed until they married.

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