Re: Public hair and the decision to shave or not: Not mentioned is that in the early days of nudism in America there was a lot of back and forth about whether or not nudist magazines represent pornography. The US Postmaster General imposed the following criteria: Pictures depicting pubic hair cross the line and are obscene. So early nudists did shave that area.

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Oh interesting! I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing.

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Back in the early 1960's here in the United States, and probably before, the pictures in nudist oriented magazines had the genitals actually airbrushed out. It wasn't a matter of removing pubic hair, but actually not showing genitals, and sometimes even a female's breasts. The trend of removing or not removing pubic hair has been changing back and forth for thousands of years. Personally, I consider a woman's natural pubic hair to be one of the most beautiful things on this earth, and I also prefer men to have their pubic hair. One thing that really bothers me though, is people who deface their body with tattoos! I did enjoy this podcast very much.

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