“Passion coupled with action can indeed transform society.”

We all reap the benefits of his well-lived life and his commitment not only to naturism but also to social justice. May his legacy live long.

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Very sad indeed. I never met Morley, but followed his always passionate pleas for body freedom beginning in Rochester when he bold a sauna hot tub in the basement of his house for his family and friends to use and then as he became more and more involved in the naturist cause and eventually established Sunsport Gardens. RIP.

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I first met Morley in 1995 at the Eastern Naturist Gathering at Empire Haven (in the Finger Lakes region of New York State). His child like joy in the pudding toss (and resulting free for all) will not be forgotten.

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Evan, just last week I listened to the Morley the Magnificent episode and was struck by what a unifying and thoughtful presence Morley was. I’m grateful that you documented his story before he passed. Also, I was encouraged by how thoughtfully he planned to ensure Sunsport would endure after his passing. Truly a life well lived.

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Thank you for listening, Karl! Hindsight being 20/20, extremely happy to have taken the opportunity to chat with him this year and share his story.

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So sorry to hear this. 😔

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Even though I was at Sunsports once, Morley insisted that I join him and others in a discussion with others over dinner. I walk with a very noticeable limp due to Cerebral Palsy and wear two hearing aids. Yet he made me feel like I knew him for a long time. RIP

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Unfortunately, I encountered Morley only once but didn't actually speak with him. As we lived on opposite coasts, I had no other opportunity. This occurred in September 1999, when Morley was 58. I just happened to be poking around in Berkeley, which wasn't close to where I lived but was always worth visiting. Purely by chance, there was a small demonstration by a dozen or so mostly naked naturists on Telegraph Ave., just outside the main campus. This is a commercial area, with banks, stores, etc., and plenty of ordinary pedestrians. Though some had children with them, they mostly paid no special interest to the naked people. But I certainly did. I didn't know whether they'd welcome me to join them (and wouldn't have had anywhere to stash my clothes anyhow). But I certainly recognized Morley. And I had a camera with me - so got some interesting shots. Morley is in a few of those.

I don't know whether it's possible to include photos in a comment (probably not), but I could send some to Evan if he's interested.

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I’d love to see those.

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I've only been able to speak with him via Zoom for TNS and AARN meetings, but for years, before finding Stéphane Deschênes and his podcast, Morley was the face I thought of when it came to Naturism on this side of the Atlantic. I remember when I was like 14, 15 years old and googling "Nudist resorts in America", like 2002, 2003, and Sunsport was the one resort that always popped up and Morley would be in a lot of the photos and I'll see interviews he would give, and it would make really want to go to Sunsport. Still haven't all these years later, I go to Solair here in CT, but people here know of Morley speak will of him.

I did hear the good news that Sunsport is going to stay a nudist resort and not be sold to some textile resort.

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When I grow up, I want to be like Morley Schloss. Running for Congress, writing the briefs for the Topfree Seven, building a swimming pool in his basement (italics), he makes me believe that everything is possible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na0AVDiagtA

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Sorry to see this great activist succumb to Covid. I got it for the 1st time 6 weeks ago. Y'all should all know - if you thought it was gone, you're wrong - it's here, it's more contagious than ever, and the older you are the more serious it can be. We now know social distancing and hand sanitizing aren't as important as vaccinations every four months and masks indoors, neither of which is a big deal. Getting it as a senior, however, is a big deal.

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Sorry to see this great activist succumb to Covid. I got it for the 1st time 6 weeks ago. Y'all should all know - if you thought it was gone, you're wrong - it's here, it's more contagious than ever, and the older you are the more serious it can be. We now know social distancing and hand sanitizing aren't as important as vaccinations every four months and masks indoors, neither of which is a big deal. Getting it as a senior, however, is a big deal.

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I know Morley through the family camp he organized yearly. He's an inspiration and a trailblazer in naturism who was also a kind person and a trusted friend. Our family will miss him dearly.

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Morley's legacy will continue to inspire. And this is a prime example of why the verbal histories documented on the "Naked Age" podcast are so valuable. Thanks for what you do, Evan.

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Thank you Andy, and to you too.

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I had the opportunity to meet morley schloss and work and reside at sunsport gardens . We just had our family youth gathering just days before his passing ...and for me it was a lifting experience with him this year for all involved . I will always remember him for his welcoming and nurturing energy he was a true believer in the inherent goodness in others. I refer to him as my "ANGEL OF WISDOM". His memory will never be forgotten by myself nor the people he connected with as well as all the children's lives he has transformed ....I worked with him and lived almost directly across the street from him I got to work side by side with him..with our winter festival and family youth gatherings for the laat three yrs and it was an amazing growth experience for me. After learning more about his life's journey I'm inspired even more by him.

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Thank you for sharing this here. 💙

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We're going to miss the teacher of naturist freedom for all.

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RIP, Morley. I had planned on meeting him in 2020, but my trip was canceled because of Covid.

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