Nov 2, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

While I doubt I will ever set foot in Wisconsin, the ramifications of bills like these getting through could severely impact freedom across America, and across those countries trying too hard to be like America. Praying that common sense, freedom and true decency (not that sold us by Hollywood and the porn industry, and reinforced by the prudish minority) prevail

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If the bill passes, I guarantee to not set foot in Wisconsin.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Great summary and analysis, thanks for this. Sounds like some solid organizing work on the ground.

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Thank you for this detailed summary.

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Such a crisp, clear report and reflection on the differing voices, thank you.

My heart breaks for the poor mom in the centre of all of it. I can imagine how stressed and threatened she feels. She is being very brave.

I certainly hope that the slimmed down likelihood of prosecution makes the proposed bill slip away. 🤞

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The Ramifications of Bills Like Wisconsin Bill AB503 And AB504 Getting Through Any Country And They Could. Could Severly Impact The World's Freedoms.

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There is no scientific evidence about the harm of non-sexual nudity on children based on statistical studies. If there were, the authors of the bills would necessarily rely on them. But, in plain sight, there is a clear pattern of how the general freedoms of society in the country and the freedom to be naked are interconnected. Take several countries with different religious and national traditions and you will find confirmation of this thesis yourself. Apparently, the authors of the law want to immerse the residents of the state in an atmosphere of fear and humiliation.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Sounds like the hearing was a resounding success, and I'm cautiously optimistic that reason will prevail in this matter. I want to thank you for staying abreast of this continuing story, and keeping us all updated. It would have been easy to just post the original headline and become discouraged and depressed (as I was) at the state of our freedoms in this country.

If and when the issue is resolved in a favorable manner, it's even more important that that news is spread throughout our community (and beyond), so that we can celebrate what I hope will be a victory for freedom. That's as important to our mental health as it is important for us to pay attention and rally together whenever our freedoms are being assaulted as they were in Wisconsin in the wake of the WNBR. I think we could all do for a little good news every now and then. Especially now, in these troubling times.

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