Jul 13Liked by Evan Nicks

Such informative articles encourage us to practice our naturism lifestyle with more enthusiasm..It just confirms as how naturism is being followed throughout generations..Such articles also help us to memorize & to thank such unsung people who contributed naturism & further inspired next generations throughout their lives ...

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Carl, as I mentioned when you and Evan shared this finding during our last WNRL meeting, "Mind Blown"! It is such a rare and important find. Given that al-Makshuf (The Revealed) was published for many years, it shows that a certain portion of the population in the Lebanese culture (and I would guess just about any culture) is receptive to the nudist lifestyle. My sincere thanks to Evan for actually finding the volume of al-Makshuf (The Revealed) for sale and for your generous donation of it to WNRL. We will treasure it and digitize it so that others can access it as well.

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