Dreams about nakedness can be fascinating and revealing, often reflecting our subconscious thoughts and feelings about vulnerability, freedom, and body image. In this #UndressedThread, let’s explore the dreams where we find ourselves in the buff. Whether they’re liberating or anxiety-inducing, sharing these experiences can provide insight into our inner selves and how we perceive nudity.
Do you often dream about being naked? What do these dreams usually involve?
How do these dreams make you feel, and are they influenced by your perspective on nudism?
when I am naked in my dreams I feel completely comfortable, natural, with no shame for my nudity. it simply is who I am and how I live my life. no worries about being with others, regardless of their state of (un)dress.
At one time this was how I felt as well. I lived with an overwhelming desire to live naked, but at the same time, completely ashamed of the body I have. At the time, dreaming I was nude was common, most likely from that desire, but also embarrassed when I was "caught". At the time I didn't know of the Naturist/Nudist philosophy of Body Acceptance, how Naturists/Nudists don't judge people on "looks" but for who they are.
Once I learned this incredible fact, I became a Nudist. A nudist still wearing clothing, always. I no longer looked at others the way I had before. And I no longer cared what others thought of me or my body. I accepted me and my body. Now the desire to be or live nude as much as possible was my lifelong goal. One that, thanks to my wife, I was able to finally experience. Now my dreams are of me and who I am. I dream of a world where clothing is optional, and everyone is treated equal.
I'm always naked in my dreams. I think that's mostly because nudity is my usual lifelong preference. It probably doesn't reflect any deep seated fears, just my mind allowing my usual preference to manifest. In my dreams the nudity doesn't seem to matter, which to me is how it should be. Perhaps this is my subconscious allowing me to be most fully me. That seems kinda healthy to me.
I've had so many dreams in which I'm naked that I'm not able to begin to count them. It's not surprising, given that I live naked as much as possible, sleeping naked and staying naked until I need to dress to leave the apartment, and getting naked again when I finally come home. I'm a person of Christian faith, so I also pray and meditate, naked in the presence of One who is the totally Other, whom I assume is also "naked". Sometimes when I am naked in a dream I'm confident, sometimes I'm embarrassed; sometimes I feel very free; sometimes if I'm in the presence of others the other in the dream are also naked, and sometimes they're not. I worked for a number of years with a psychologist who paid attention to dreams: he suggested that as I grew, I'd come to my own conclusions about what it meant to find myself naked in dreams: or, as someone has suggested, given that I live as naked as I do, that I have dreams in which I find myself wearing clothes.
Had not really thought about it before but it’s different scenarios. Sometimes it’s “oops why am I naked? I shouldn’t be naked here, nobody else is,” and then kind of feeling socially awkward for a minute but nobody makes a big deal of it and I settle in. And other times I guess it feels more like a conscious choice and I’m happy about it from the start. Probably has something to say about my social anxiety in general, haha.
What is the emotion called when things are perfectly ordinary? In my dreams, I am always completely naked in all situations. The thing is, people treat it like it's absolutely normal. "Oh, you decided to be naked today. OK. Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about is...". That's it. The dream then follows whatever track it's going to take. Me being naked is a non-factor. People may acknowledge or remark upon the fact that I'm naked but they usually don't. Most people don't even bother to say anything. And it's not some kind of dream magic where people are tricked into thinking I'm dressed. No. They know I'm naked. I know I'm naked. And no one cares.
I'm often (always?) naked in my dreams, but my dreams aren't about the nudity. It's just that whatever I'm dreaming about, I often notice that what I'm wearing is nothing. But it's not commented on or shocking in any way to others in my dreams who may it may not be naked themselves.
I dream about being the only person naked in social environments quite often... But unlike most people (or at least non nudists) it isn't an embarrassing or shameful experience. It's always just natural. Like I'm the one that is right and everyone else is wrong. It's when I begin to wake up that something in my brain tries to convince me I've been wrong all along, and I get a little dopey confused when I wake. Like I should feel ashamed of feeling natural... But then I fully awake and realize society still has a subconscious, if thin and fleeting, hold on me somewhere deep inside. So I go get naked on a beach in waking life.
I have always love being naked! It took me over 70 years to make the JUMP to AANR and my wife and I are so HAPPY that we did. Can't wait to be naked again and soon! We are planning going to an AANR place for our 50th wedding anniversary in January someplace in Florida. We live in New England and at that time everything up here is COLD and CLOSED.
Generally, my nudity has little or no relation to the emotions of my dream. If I am anxious concerning a work or personal challenge the emotions are related to the challenge and not my nudity. In my happy and joyous dreams my nakedness is merely icing on the cake. My lack of clothing is a normal situation in my dreams. Unfortunately, that "normal situation" can't be the reality of my waking hours.
I'd say "wonder." If I remember correctly, I often have a sense that "Wow, I am surprised my nakedness is being accepted in this situation, with these [clothed] people who don't usually see me naked." So I guess it's somewhere between "embarrassment" and "confidence." With, of course, an unaccustomed feeling of freedom. So it's complicated!
... And then when I wake up, it takes a moment to recall that the scene I just left in dreamland was an unrealistic one... and I'm left with a bit of longing for that kind of situation.
I'm usually naked in my dreams in the textile world around me. No embarrassment, no fears, no regrets, to me it's just ''normal''. If I could be nude in society around others that are clothed I would be fine. It's the ''others'' that have the problem. I have been to nudist clubs, resorts, beaches all over the US and Europe. Being nude ''at home'' is not being a nudist because you are still unable to get over your own insecurities around others....
I am usually naked in my dreams; it is my default setting when awake. The disturbing dream is when I am in a nudist environment and my clothes won't come off. Think of Bartholomew Cubbins' 500 hats.
Thank you for this post! It’s fun to hear about folks’ naked dreams.
When lying down for bed each night, my thoughts often revolve around naturism and how fulfilling it is as a lifestyle. I try to imagine my “happy naked place” and almost always sleep better because of it. I’ve had many dreams where I had an opportunity to be naked in a textile environment, seemingly without judgment, but I was reluctant to get naked in the moment. I interpret these dreams as a parallel to sometimes feeling reluctant to undress in real world settings, such as WBNR, Bay to Breakers, etc. When I am unabashedly naked in my dreams, I feel elated and proud that I disrobed and experienced no shame.
Naturism to me is a constant journey of growth, not always linear but sometimes one step back before several steps forward. I’m constantly reflecting on these experiences, and learning to be more comfortable in my skin in a variety of both naturist and textile settings. Because for me, normalizing nudity is an important goal in living a more open, naturist lifestyle.
This is a fascinating question to me because I’ve been into dream interpretation (since my childhood) longer than I’ve been a nudist. And perhaps because I inhabit both nudist and textile worlds, and am nude in front of certain friends and family (immediate) and not others (extended), nudity in my dreams might reflect my nudism, or sexuality, while other times it symbolizes the same things it does to textiles—such as being exposed and vulnerable. Sometimes that is related to being discovered as a nudist (such as, oops, being naked in front of someone I normally wouldn’t be), while other times it’s about vulnerability and exposure unrelated to nudism; then the nudity is only a symbol. So I have no one consistent answer to this, but it must be interesting to compare dreams about nudity among nudists, non-nudists, and people who live at various levels of nudity, as well as the dreams of a single individual at various life stages of their nudist journey.
I don’t have “naked dreams” very often. But when I do, the general theme is the associated anxiety. I’m nude, but in a venue where it isn’t expected or likely condoned. I’m usually trying to act like it’s no big deal, nothing to see here folks, but inside am very worried that I’m going to be rejected, asked to leave, arrested, whatever.
It all strikes me as odd. I don’t really go nude where it’s not expected or condoned. Maybe on a nude hike or some backyard nudity where I press the nude “safe area” a bit. So why I’m nude in these areas in the first place is odd. I really don’t engage in that type of naturism. I don’t try to read anything into it. I don’t try to figure out my other non-naked dreams so why try with these?
I have slept naked for over 40 years. I live as much as I can as a naturist. When I dream, I am not aware of any clothing. I might suggest that dreams about nudity are more likely from people who don't practice it.
I am usually confused about how I got that way. I'm n the middle of some public area and I suddenly realize I'm naked but so far nobody has noticed. My next concern is always how I can avoid getting arrested. And then, even if I find clothes to wear, they magically disappear. It is never a "not wanting to be seen" thing more of a "I might meet someone who freaks out."
Things always work out somehow but there is discomfort until it does. Often it segues into a dream where i can fly.
Unsure of what others are thinking
Do nudists dream of shorn sheep?
By Philip K. WHAT???!!!
Freedom and arousal
freedom and arousal, yes!
when I am naked in my dreams I feel completely comfortable, natural, with no shame for my nudity. it simply is who I am and how I live my life. no worries about being with others, regardless of their state of (un)dress.
Although not at all embarrassed about being naked in real life but for some reason in my dreams its always the wrong situation and I'm embarrassed
I can relate to this. I often have dreams where I’m not ashamed of my nudity, but I also have dreams where I am.
At one time this was how I felt as well. I lived with an overwhelming desire to live naked, but at the same time, completely ashamed of the body I have. At the time, dreaming I was nude was common, most likely from that desire, but also embarrassed when I was "caught". At the time I didn't know of the Naturist/Nudist philosophy of Body Acceptance, how Naturists/Nudists don't judge people on "looks" but for who they are.
Once I learned this incredible fact, I became a Nudist. A nudist still wearing clothing, always. I no longer looked at others the way I had before. And I no longer cared what others thought of me or my body. I accepted me and my body. Now the desire to be or live nude as much as possible was my lifelong goal. One that, thanks to my wife, I was able to finally experience. Now my dreams are of me and who I am. I dream of a world where clothing is optional, and everyone is treated equal.
I'm always naked in my dreams. I think that's mostly because nudity is my usual lifelong preference. It probably doesn't reflect any deep seated fears, just my mind allowing my usual preference to manifest. In my dreams the nudity doesn't seem to matter, which to me is how it should be. Perhaps this is my subconscious allowing me to be most fully me. That seems kinda healthy to me.
I've had so many dreams in which I'm naked that I'm not able to begin to count them. It's not surprising, given that I live naked as much as possible, sleeping naked and staying naked until I need to dress to leave the apartment, and getting naked again when I finally come home. I'm a person of Christian faith, so I also pray and meditate, naked in the presence of One who is the totally Other, whom I assume is also "naked". Sometimes when I am naked in a dream I'm confident, sometimes I'm embarrassed; sometimes I feel very free; sometimes if I'm in the presence of others the other in the dream are also naked, and sometimes they're not. I worked for a number of years with a psychologist who paid attention to dreams: he suggested that as I grew, I'd come to my own conclusions about what it meant to find myself naked in dreams: or, as someone has suggested, given that I live as naked as I do, that I have dreams in which I find myself wearing clothes.
Astute observations. I also have a variety of dreams about nakedness or nudity, perhaps because they consume so much of my consciousness
Hmm ... I suppose that those of us who live naked as much as I do, and presumably as you do, hold it in our consciousness much of the time.
Had not really thought about it before but it’s different scenarios. Sometimes it’s “oops why am I naked? I shouldn’t be naked here, nobody else is,” and then kind of feeling socially awkward for a minute but nobody makes a big deal of it and I settle in. And other times I guess it feels more like a conscious choice and I’m happy about it from the start. Probably has something to say about my social anxiety in general, haha.
I have a lot of dreams like this as well.
What is the emotion called when things are perfectly ordinary? In my dreams, I am always completely naked in all situations. The thing is, people treat it like it's absolutely normal. "Oh, you decided to be naked today. OK. Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about is...". That's it. The dream then follows whatever track it's going to take. Me being naked is a non-factor. People may acknowledge or remark upon the fact that I'm naked but they usually don't. Most people don't even bother to say anything. And it's not some kind of dream magic where people are tricked into thinking I'm dressed. No. They know I'm naked. I know I'm naked. And no one cares.
I'm often (always?) naked in my dreams, but my dreams aren't about the nudity. It's just that whatever I'm dreaming about, I often notice that what I'm wearing is nothing. But it's not commented on or shocking in any way to others in my dreams who may it may not be naked themselves.
I dream about being the only person naked in social environments quite often... But unlike most people (or at least non nudists) it isn't an embarrassing or shameful experience. It's always just natural. Like I'm the one that is right and everyone else is wrong. It's when I begin to wake up that something in my brain tries to convince me I've been wrong all along, and I get a little dopey confused when I wake. Like I should feel ashamed of feeling natural... But then I fully awake and realize society still has a subconscious, if thin and fleeting, hold on me somewhere deep inside. So I go get naked on a beach in waking life.
I've slept naked for many years, but it never seems to be a factor in my dreams. Since I consider nudity normal, it seems irrelevant in dreams.
I have always love being naked! It took me over 70 years to make the JUMP to AANR and my wife and I are so HAPPY that we did. Can't wait to be naked again and soon! We are planning going to an AANR place for our 50th wedding anniversary in January someplace in Florida. We live in New England and at that time everything up here is COLD and CLOSED.
Generally, my nudity has little or no relation to the emotions of my dream. If I am anxious concerning a work or personal challenge the emotions are related to the challenge and not my nudity. In my happy and joyous dreams my nakedness is merely icing on the cake. My lack of clothing is a normal situation in my dreams. Unfortunately, that "normal situation" can't be the reality of my waking hours.
Happiness! to not worry about being seen. Everyone just excepts everyone for what they look like no matter what.
I'd say "wonder." If I remember correctly, I often have a sense that "Wow, I am surprised my nakedness is being accepted in this situation, with these [clothed] people who don't usually see me naked." So I guess it's somewhere between "embarrassment" and "confidence." With, of course, an unaccustomed feeling of freedom. So it's complicated!
... And then when I wake up, it takes a moment to recall that the scene I just left in dreamland was an unrealistic one... and I'm left with a bit of longing for that kind of situation.
I love nakedness.
I'm usually naked in my dreams in the textile world around me. No embarrassment, no fears, no regrets, to me it's just ''normal''. If I could be nude in society around others that are clothed I would be fine. It's the ''others'' that have the problem. I have been to nudist clubs, resorts, beaches all over the US and Europe. Being nude ''at home'' is not being a nudist because you are still unable to get over your own insecurities around others....
I am usually naked in my dreams; it is my default setting when awake. The disturbing dream is when I am in a nudist environment and my clothes won't come off. Think of Bartholomew Cubbins' 500 hats.
I had one last night, walking naked at the beach.
Pretty much an uncovered face and head dreamer although rarely have a conscious dream.
Thank you for this post! It’s fun to hear about folks’ naked dreams.
When lying down for bed each night, my thoughts often revolve around naturism and how fulfilling it is as a lifestyle. I try to imagine my “happy naked place” and almost always sleep better because of it. I’ve had many dreams where I had an opportunity to be naked in a textile environment, seemingly without judgment, but I was reluctant to get naked in the moment. I interpret these dreams as a parallel to sometimes feeling reluctant to undress in real world settings, such as WBNR, Bay to Breakers, etc. When I am unabashedly naked in my dreams, I feel elated and proud that I disrobed and experienced no shame.
Naturism to me is a constant journey of growth, not always linear but sometimes one step back before several steps forward. I’m constantly reflecting on these experiences, and learning to be more comfortable in my skin in a variety of both naturist and textile settings. Because for me, normalizing nudity is an important goal in living a more open, naturist lifestyle.
Freedom. So good to be able to be naked in public
This is a fascinating question to me because I’ve been into dream interpretation (since my childhood) longer than I’ve been a nudist. And perhaps because I inhabit both nudist and textile worlds, and am nude in front of certain friends and family (immediate) and not others (extended), nudity in my dreams might reflect my nudism, or sexuality, while other times it symbolizes the same things it does to textiles—such as being exposed and vulnerable. Sometimes that is related to being discovered as a nudist (such as, oops, being naked in front of someone I normally wouldn’t be), while other times it’s about vulnerability and exposure unrelated to nudism; then the nudity is only a symbol. So I have no one consistent answer to this, but it must be interesting to compare dreams about nudity among nudists, non-nudists, and people who live at various levels of nudity, as well as the dreams of a single individual at various life stages of their nudist journey.
When I am nude in my dreams, there is no feeling of embarrassment, just freedom!
I don’t have “naked dreams” very often. But when I do, the general theme is the associated anxiety. I’m nude, but in a venue where it isn’t expected or likely condoned. I’m usually trying to act like it’s no big deal, nothing to see here folks, but inside am very worried that I’m going to be rejected, asked to leave, arrested, whatever.
It all strikes me as odd. I don’t really go nude where it’s not expected or condoned. Maybe on a nude hike or some backyard nudity where I press the nude “safe area” a bit. So why I’m nude in these areas in the first place is odd. I really don’t engage in that type of naturism. I don’t try to read anything into it. I don’t try to figure out my other non-naked dreams so why try with these?
I have slept naked for over 40 years. I live as much as I can as a naturist. When I dream, I am not aware of any clothing. I might suggest that dreams about nudity are more likely from people who don't practice it.
I think if this thread full of naturists discussing their dreams about nudity does anything it defeats that notion
I am usually confused about how I got that way. I'm n the middle of some public area and I suddenly realize I'm naked but so far nobody has noticed. My next concern is always how I can avoid getting arrested. And then, even if I find clothes to wear, they magically disappear. It is never a "not wanting to be seen" thing more of a "I might meet someone who freaks out."
Things always work out somehow but there is discomfort until it does. Often it segues into a dream where i can fly.