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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

I think that the majority of people would call me a sicko, but I think that ALL bodies look their most attractive without clothes.

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To my shame, I have a type. At one nudist get-together I found myself enjoying a chat with a woman who is very much not my type. Nobody who calls you a sicko has experienced social nudity.

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Nice! My favorite drawing is Feder's take on Matisse's "La Dans." Matisse has been busted for objectifying his women, but Tyler Feder has repurposed La Dans with the dancers joyfully sovereign in their diverse nudity. It's a hard lesson, and I catch myself arguing, but any body is a miracle.

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Such beautiful work and a beautiful article! How was I not following Tyler before?!

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Some still don't get the message. Don't worry you have my voice too. I'll also be contributing my art to promoting body image positivity

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That's a message that needs to get out more. You won't convince everyone but everyone you do convince is worth the effort.

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A body is simply a body. It's not meant to be regarded as something to be critiqued about the way it looks. How it looks is totally irrelevant to it's purpose, which is simply to transport the owner through this journey of life. That's all. Whatever shape it is doesn't matter as far as its "attractiveness" is concerned.

What I do struggle with, however, is the concept of "fat-positivity." While I agree that the way an obese person looks is irrelevant, I cannot get past the proven fact that excess body fat is dangerous to health. Abdominal fat is a particularly harmful type with strong links to diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease So losing this fat can have significant benefits for your health and well-being. This is because fat around your belly is a definite indicator of the amount of internal fat collecting around your organs such as heart, liver, kidneys. It’s this internal fat, called visceral fat, that does the most damage to your health.

So, if you're happy living with the health risks, then fine - celebrate your fat. But if you want to remain fit, agile and in good health for as long a life as possible, then you owe it to yourself to address any excess body-fat issues.

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