deletedJun 10, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks
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This is not unlike my home dynamic. My wife occasionally joins me to the nudist club but rarely likes to hang around nude at home. I also don’t pressure her at all. She is accepting of my comfort level, why shouldn’t I be of hers?

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I’ve now been nude around all my immediate family members. It took a few years to accomplish but opportunities presented themselves. So far everyone in my family has been accepting. My advice, start with the one who you feel is most likely to accept it, and go from there.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

In a way I introduced the woman who went on to be my wife to nudism, even though she was already a home nudist.

We met online in 2000, we both had online adverts for friends (it wasn't a site designed for sexual activity), and she actually contacted me initially because my headline said I am a nudist.

Friendship turned to more, our initial physical meeting we were naked within 10 minutes, and over another couple of months we decided to try being together.

But before we did we went on our first holiday together, a long weekend at a naturist finca in Spain.

I was initially worried that she might have problems stripping off with others, but she was actually nude before I was.

A few months later and we were living together with her children, both of whome were also home nudists, one of whom came on our next holiday to a naturist site in Cornwall. (Her only naturist holiday until she went with a boyfriend years later.)

Unfortunately about 10 years later she passed through the menopause, and despite not physically changing her body image took a dive, and now her only public nudity since 2014 is at home with me.

Apart from that the only person I've helped to discover public nudity was a young woman in my class at college.

I'd made noo secret of my nudism, and she came one day to ask my advice. Her boyfriends parents were nudists, and they'd invited her to join them on a naturist foreign holiday.

Whilst she had no problems with going topless in front of them she was a bit reticent to go fully nude.

I asked if she shaved, she said yes, I suggested she let it grow as a decent growth would cover her as well as a bikini bottom would.

Returning after summer she said it had worked perfectly, but after a day with them she had been relaxed enough to shave again.

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Interesting! These things vary so much from family to family, it’s interesting that one family might be a naturist family while their neighbors might never let themselves be seen nude by one another under any circumstances

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Parents are open to my being myself if they’re in my home and the temperature calls for it. In-laws are not, at least when I asked after they rented a beautiful rural property last year. But they all know now, so it’s on the table. I’d not expect anyone to join in though.

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Similar experience for me. I’d never go nude around the in-laws… but I have house-sat when they were out, and discovered and they’ve got a great private backyard for getting some sun 😂

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Mine have property cameras, bird cameras, and I assume indoor cameras, so it’s not likely an option. 🤣

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

My parents brought us to a nude beach when I was in 6th grade. They said we could go nude if we wanted but I was too shy at the time. As soon as I came home though I became a home nudist. When I was 18 I convinced the family to return to the island and tried being nude on the beach near my family. Afterward, my family (mom, dad, sister and I) would layout form time to time in the nude on a secluded deck at our house. Since then, they’ve all changed and as far as I know none of them participate in any form of social nudity. Now I have a family of my own and I am working to establish nudity as an option within our home and creating opportunities to visit campgrounds and beaches.

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I believe that among any who participate it can be a wonderful bonding experience. And also of course nobody should ever be pressured to participate.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

I definitely feel closer to good nudist friends who we regularly spend time naked with. I may only have known them for a year or so but I can feel closer to them than textile friends I've known since our student days. Good nudist friends can be very open mentally in ways that It can take much longer to get so close with textiles. Its as if because we hide nothing physically from each other that we open up our minds similarly too.

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In a socially nude scenario there is an inherent agreement which says that the judgements and pretenses of the normal world to not hold court here. I think this extends beyond simple courtesies about clothing and extends into many other less obvious aspects of these social situations.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

I agree. Once you get beyond simple shared social nudity it soon feels that there are other ways that nudists can connect with each other. Obviously nudists vary like other people do in their outlooks on many things, but there are many times when it has felt like there are extra levels to how nudists may relate to each other. Minds can be much more open in nudist social settings.

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I’m just not close enough with my family to be spending much time with them in the first place, and that relationship is already… strenuous. It’s never felt practical or helpful to open myself up to them about my hobbies, joys, relationships, or the fact that I enjoy taking my clothes off. I’d like to think I’m not actively trying to hide anything, either, but I think it’s fair to say I avoid opening up in general with them.

That being said, my first experiences being socially nude were with family: skinny-dipping in the hot tub or some neighbor’s swimming pool with my cousins as a kid. I have really fond memories of those moments because it was one of the few times I felt included in something.

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I think going nude before someone requires a certain amount of vulnerability that simply is incompatible with the dynamics of certain family relationships. I also wonder if some are not drawn to social nudism because they seek this vulnerability in their relationships.

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Shortly after we were married my wife and I went to visit her family in Finland. The first evening there they introduced me to the sauna. Her family consisted of her parents and a sister. As the sauna heated up they explained that the sauna was best experienced naked and that they would all be naked but that I didn’t have to if it made me uncomfortable. I was a bit nervous about it, but since everyone else was going to be naked I didn’t want to be the odd duck.

After we finished the sauna we took part in the after sauna ritual of sausages and beer.

I soon found out that the entire family seldom wore clothes at home and enjoyed our 2 week visit clothes free for most of the time there.

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Wow! Almost like a real life ‘Barely Proper’

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I’m not familiar with Barely Proper. But spending 2 weeks with your wife’s family including her younger sister was definitely bordering on being barely proper. I know they say nudism is non-sexual but hanging out naked with your wife and her younger sister was sexually stimulating.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

As a teen I’ve been skinny dipping in the pitch blackness of midnight once or twice with friends where my brother was involved. But this coming Sunday I’m taking my brother to our local naturist park. Working on getting through to the rest of my family as well.

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How cool! I’m sure you guys will have a blast

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I envy those who can answer yes. I rarely see most of my family members, except at big events. They know I'm a nudist and seem to be fine with it, but no one has expressed interest in exploring nudism themselves. If we were to spend time together at a private pool or in a similar situation, I think I'd be able to be nude with minimal awkwardness. It would be a meaningful breakthrough for me.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

My partner comes from a nudist family, her great-grandparents were nudists and each generation since has continued to live as nudists with very few dropping out of the nudist lifestyle when leaving home etc. I'm the only nudist in my family. My parents and sister guessed that we are nudists from where we went on holiday and our suntans, we found out quite some time ago in a conversation with them after we'd decided to tell them, they laughed, shared knowing looks and said that they'd guessed we are. We'd wanted to be open with them, as we are with good friends, as nudism is an increasingly big part of our lives and we see nothing to be ashamed about it. It also makes life easier not needing to worry about leaving nudist magazines and other associated literature and brochures around our home when they visited, or removing photos we have at home from nudist holidays.

I was quite strange at my first meeting with them in a nudist setting, for about 10 seconds! It soon became more or less like a day at a nudist club or beach. I pinched myself when I first knew that her family were nudists, I couldn't believe my luck in making a connection like this that was centred on nudism.

We told my parents about my partner's family being multi-generational nudists. Both my mother and sister were curious about nudism, we talked with them both about many aspects of it, but my father was not very keen to talk about it and we never found out why. My parents are no longer here, my sister lives several hours away so if we visit each other we tend to stay over. She has been to local nude beaches with us where we met various nudist friends, she seemed very at ease with us all being nude with her, she was top-free most of the time but never nude. The first time we went to one of the beaches with her we'd made certain that she felt OK with us being nude and meeting some of our nude friends. This was the first time that I'd been nude in front of her since we were small kids sharing baths, I didn't really think about this until we were walking home and my sister remarked on that fact. I am so used to being nude there that it hadn't really occurred to me that my sister was there that day. We live nude at home year round as long as its not really cold, textile friends who are bothered by nudity know to let us know when they're coming here so we can 'cover up' with something minimal. Otherwise we stay nude with visitors, some join us naked, so we're very used to being here in all nude or clothing optional situations. So we've introduced my sister to social nudism but not managed to convince her to try nudism fully, yet. There will not be any pressure on her, or other people, to join us nude. She accepts that we're nudists, we accept that she's not quite a nudist!

With friends there have been a few whose curiosity about our nudism led to us introducing them to it at the beaches, it seems that if they're curious enough to want to try it they'll take it up once they've joined us nude there. We might take them to a quieter spot where there are less people passing by, so as they can relax more fully in their first steps into our way of socialising. Some of these friends had experienced nudism on holiday beaches, but none had tried it locally before.

As for advice to give someone about introducing loved ones to nudism I think that it depends on the person(s) involved and their locations and situations. Beaches are out of the question possibly to those who live long distances from any. Clubs/resorts can be the best location for an introduction, as everyone else there is likely to be committed nudists to some degree, so everyone will be nude if its warm. Seeing this uniform nudity can be a strong tool for encouraging the 'if you can't beat them then join them' attitude. A public nude beach might seem intimidating for that first public nudity, there will likely be passers-by, some nude, some clothed, but on the other hand that true liberation of being on a beach and going into the sea/lake completely naked can be a very powerful way of convincing people why nudism is so good.

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Interesting that your family of non nudists figured you guys out before you could tell them. Thanks for sharing your story!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

If I remember things correctly I'd picked up on something in a phone conversation with my mother just before we'd gone on a nudist holiday. While we were away I'd said that I thought that they had guessed that we are nudists. I don't really know why we'd not told them before. It was clear that they weren't interested themselves in nudism from comments that had been made in the past. It didn't seem like it was worth mentioning to them, so we didn't. Until we planned to raise it with them on our return from that holiday, it was like both parties were prepared to discuss it, without any serious intentional planning to do so. Things kind of fell into place.

We'd often gone on holidays where there were nearby nude beaches, so we told them afterwards about some of the places we'd been to on whatever Greek island or French towns we'd been to, skipping the nude beaches. Then we started holiday at nudist resorts because we wanted to be nude for the whole time. We told them that we were staying at places like Koversada in Croatia or Vera Playa in Spain, a little research could suggest nudism as being the reason for going to resorts there.

This coincided with the internet becoming much more widely used, so we can point at the internet for helping to 'out' us as nudists to my family.

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This is a great topic line Evan. I’ve always enjoyed hearing how naturists have, or haven’t, shared their naturist time with friends and family. That decision and process is a common link we all share. So, great idea to get people telling their stories. Definitely a book in this!

I have several aspects of my story I could share. But I’m afraid my comments would be longer than you’re shooting for. I will highlight one — discussing naturism with my mother in law.

My MIL lived with us for an extended time, about 7 years, through multiple moves. Sometimes she was in the same house, other times just nearby. It gave her, and us, a great chance to remain close, particularly with her grandkids.

But, it certainly impacted my ability to be nude. However, I gladly adapted. Her happiness and comfort, and close relationships in our family, were much more important. So, I kept my naturist time on the “down low”.

Eventually, that became frustrating. So, after discussing with my wife, we decided it was time to have “the naturist talk” with Mom. I won’t go through the blow by blow, but a few weeks later on a family vacation, there were Mom and I, the early risers, in our rented beach house kitchen chatting with our morning coffee/tea, she dressed, me nude. So, it obviously went well. Not an exact quote but a good description of her position — I’m glad you shared it with me; the love and trust it signifies means everything; your nudity is natural and beautiful; doesn’t bother me a bit.

This coming out process taught me a valuable lesson — trust your gut (you generally know who will react positively and who won’t), trust your family (they generally won’t disown you over being naked), trust your beliefs (don’t let fears run amok in your mind — naturism is wonderful, even if others disagree)

While I have you -- I took the plunge and set up a Substack (David - Natusit4life) my personal one. It will be very naturist focused, probably entirely. Haven’t broken the code on how to share it with other Naturist Substack’ers. I posted a generic note, thinking all I subscribe to would see it. Either they didn’t or aren’t interested. Figured I’d try this as well. I’ve added this to a few other comments on other pages so you may see this request here and there. Sorry for taking your thread a bit off topic.

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I appreciate longer answers. Amazing story! Thanks for sharing. I’ll happily subscribe to your new substack!

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Something odd is going on with Substack. Saw you subscribed. Now it’s gone?

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No idea what’s going on. I haven’t unsubscribed but when I go to your page the only button at the top says “subscribe”— when I press it, I get the following message: “ You're subscribed to David - Naturist4life!! You'll get an email when they create a publication”

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Once my sister got a house with a pool,it didn't take long before swimming nude became the norm for me,my sister and her husband.Finally,we told our Mom about it.She was OK with it but never swam nude herself until years later.We were nervous about telling our Mom,but it turned out to be no big deal in the end.

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Interesting and very cool that youve been able to experience that as a family

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

I read the article along with all the comments & really fascinated knowing as to how each naturist case differs from one another. Your article topic itself is of very interest & vast one.

Regret to say that up till now I have never experienced nakedness with my family, except my wife. I have shared my naturism passion with her & tried to convince her to embrace this awesome lifestyle. Though she doesn't objects to my naturist lifestyle, yet, she is not fully ready to embrace the naturism. Hope that someday she may embrace it & will join the naturism journey. During my childhood, in young days, in a countryside small town, I always used to see many a Jain saints on streets who were naked 24X7 (& is one of the main principals of Jainism) & from there on wards I had a deep impact of this lifestyle. This Jainism principal may be the main reason because of which I may be inclined towards naturism. Though I had an attraction towards this Jainism principal, I couldn't practice naturism when I was living with my parents, siblings & later on with wife, son & daughter-in-law. I was never nude with any of the family members as a naturism practice. This is may be because of non awareness of naturism as lifestyle, shyness & cultural barriers. Also because of the many responsibilities & life requirements, I could not spare time to practice naturism, except naked sleep time & naked bathing. Four years back I got retired to have leisure time & actually from there on, revived my naturism passion. Only my wife knows about my naturism passion & because of the local laws I have to practice naturism at home only. My son & daughter-in-law lives at other city because of their jobs. Let's hope that someday I may first share my naturism passion to my son & daughter-in-law & then may convince my wife, son, daughter-in-law to embrace this soul soothing lifestyle.

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Interesting! I’ve read about Jainism, but of course it is not a part of the culture here in the United States. Fascinating to learn that you feel it influenced you to try naturism. Thank you for sharing!

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Evan Nicks

Thank you very much Evan to take a note of my comment & to receive your feedback. It's very nice of you.

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Jan 26Liked by Evan Nicks

I was newly married to my now wife about 20 years ago (God how time flies) when my parents invited us to a barbecue. We lived in Hamburg at the time and my parents lived in the country about 100km north. We arrived at their place around noon and the weather was perfect. My parents live very close to the most beautiful beach on the North Sea in Sankt Peter Ording. Because the weather was so nice, my mother said to my wife and I that we should go to the beach and have a swim. She and my father would prepare the barbecue while we were away and when we got back we could have a nice rum and coke (old family tradition).

My wife, who was in her early twenties at the time, looked at my mother and said that unfortunately it wouldn't work because she hadn't brought any swimming gear. She is French and was not a naturist before.

Only once before have I seen such an uncomprehending look on my mother's face, who is German like me, when I told her that I was going to join the merchant navy and become a sailor. She looked at my wife with that look and then said that it was ridiculous and we'd get two towels and go straight to Sankt Peter Ording, no arguments.

When we arrived at the very, very large beach, we looked for a "sandcastle". Germans often dig a wall around the place where they lie to protect themselves from the wind. Not very high, maybe 50cm max. We lay down in one of the sandcastles that had been left and I took off my clothes. My wife too.... but her face was flaming red and she was so cramped and complicated that I thought she might hurt herself and dislocate her shoulder or worse.

When she had finally managed it, I asked her if she wanted to get into the water. The beach is huge, including the nudist area, but it merges seamlessly into the textile area. There were people on the beach but really the next couple was about 10 meters away from us. She said NO WAY is she going naked to the water which was about 50 meters away and was pissed off. I was a bit disappointed and lay on my stomach and enjoyed the sun.

After a few minutes I noticed her getting up and thought she was going back to the car to wait for me. However, she walked to the water. I could see her from behind and she was running or walking quite fast, like trying to catch a train in time with high heels. She had her hands clenched into fists and I could see from her bare bottom how angry she was. When I caught up with her running and spoke to her she hissed at me to leave her alone....

Well, we reached the North Sea without an accident and went for a swim. After about 10 minutes she relaxed and looked so happy. I often see that when we invite people to our naturist vacation who don't normally do that. She then ran happily across the beach and never wanted to go to the beach dressed again. On the way back I told her: "See, you were naked in front of others, nobody stared at you or turned you on and your breasts didn't fall off either!" I'll spare her answer at this point.

The barbecue and rum and coke were also good afterwards.

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